Thursday, December 26, 2013

22 Weeks: He or She? Read to see!!!!

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you are all staying warm and enjoying family. I know I am! I haven't been to my parent's house on the 25th in years. It was a nice change of pace to be here and soak in the comfort of familiar traditions. From cinnamon rolls in the morning to dad's "one gift an hour" plan -- it just feels like HOME! Something we probably will not be able to experience as often in years to come since we'll be carting around our little bundle! 

December has been a surge of business. {What's new!} Alex and I got back to the gym a handful of times. It was intimidating at first but our first day back was as if we never had taken a break! In fact, some of the "regulars" that we people watch are still their. Such as "swishy pants guy," "running girl," and "PINK." Now, please do not think that we are judging any of these folks. After all, it's a judgement free zone! We just don't know their names. I'm hoping that if we frequent the gym more often we will see "braids." She is this sweet little 70ish year old lady with hair to her knees and she wears it in pigtail braids. She is inspiring! 

Speaking of December, I find it amusing that Michiganders are constantly complaining about the snow. Ummm..... Yeah. I have no comment for those people. Let's enjoy it, shall we! I had oodles of fun at Steve and Amanda's this winter. They have the PERFECT sledding hill at their new house. Our craft/sledding night was a hoot. Eric was convinced {briefly} that sledding is a "dangerous" activity for pregnant women. Well, even so, I don't care! It's sledding for darn sake! We {mostly the woman} must have gone down the hill 2-3 dozen times riding on a slew of sleds - 2 saucers, 2 sleds, a toboggan, and even a snowboard. Nothing beat Ryan and Ashley's tandem stand-up toboggan ride. {No worries, I was conservative with my sled selections!} Ahh white powder! I was out of breath, face numb, but smiling ear to ear! 

We had our 20 week ultrasound on the 16th. I can't believe how fast the little nugget has grown! {FYI: We had the same technician that we had at our 8 week appointment and I feel bad for calling her a wet blanket. She is a warm and pleasant lady with a super cool job!}. Our little bean was moving and wiggling all over the place! But, had it's legs crossed for most of the appointment. And then, she turned the screen to "check" for the status. She then took a couple shots, wrote a note, and put the pictures in an envelope. We opted for the option to find out the gender of our baby outside the walls of the ultrasound room. So, that night we handed it off to our good friend Alex. 

She and Ashley planned a fun little reveal party for us. It was great to be able to celebrate with friends that we see weekly, even daily. I can't tell you how much I appreciate all of our friends. Every milestone in our lives we eagerly anticipate celebrating with them. We all have this general regard for eachother's well-being. I think it speaks mountains about the character of these people. They are our light and our energy. They know our hearts and they rejoice with us and grieve with us. And, we are fortunate to be god-parents to one of the kiddos! I think it's a rare thing in life when your friends are closer than your family. {Not that we don't have great families! We just have stellar friends!}

The ladies at work even had a little party the day after we heard the news. Judy turned gender prediction into a fun little game. She had everyone vote on pink or blue paper and I brought in color-filled cupcakes the next day. Their vote : 14 girl, 5 boy.....

Ok enough sap, ya'll are like..... GET TO THE POINT!!!!

So, we tortured our families for about a week's time with the baby news. But, it was important to us {maybe just me} to reveal the news in person during Christmas parties. Having family long-distance makes those moments specials. Now that everyone is in the loop it is time to make baby V public!  Ladies and Gentlemen......  little baby VussMuffin...... is...... a.......


Yes-sir-eee we are expecting a baby girl in May! She will have great hair and I'm sure she will be a giggly little clown. Eric and I were {secretly} hoping for a boy but we are elated to have a little girl. It just melts my heart these days when he leaves for work in the morning. Naturally I am in bed when he leaves {although I should be up and dressed by then} so he kisses me goodbye, says "I love you," wishes me a good day, and tells me to get out of bed. But, now he will put one hand of my forehead and one of my belly, kiss me, and say "I love my girls!" I MELT. This baby girl is going to be so loved. I can't contain my joy! Family, babies, love, life!! 

Ok, now that you've gotten the news I'll wrap up this post since anything else I write will be pointless.

How Far Along: 22 weeks
Size of Baby: Baby is the size of a spaghetti squash! SHE is 1 lb and forming tooth buds! 

Weight Gain: Total gain: 12lb eek! 

Belly: The belly is getting roundy! She's moving her way up. So far mostly carrying high, big, and round. In fact, my whole self is getting round -- holy thighs and booty!

Sleep: Rarely do I nap, but when I do I sleep for hours!

Movement: She likes to move throughout the day. I definitely feel her after I eat. Hoping that those little kicks will soon be felt from the outside.  

Symptoms: The lower back pain vanished one day. Now, I'm dealing with carpal tunnel. My doc said its from typing and sleeping on my hands. My aunt also had this during her pregnancy from waitressing. So.... looks like this is my destiny since I type and waitress haha.
Food Cravings: Wings last week.

Gender: GIRL!!!

Mood Ups and Downs: Pretty good lately!

What I Miss: My clothes. I've been getting creative with my options. Thanks to Em for some hand-me-down maternity clothes!

What I'm Looking Forward to: Seeing her pretty face! 

Alright everyone! Hug your mom or your dad.

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