Finally, the cat is out of the bag! Keeping secrets is just too hard. We have thoroughly enjoyed telling our family and friends about our little nugget of love! Due Date: May 2, 2013.
This was the public announcement that we sent out via FB yesterday. It was a hit!
Eric and I officially got a positive pregger test on August 26th {Although, I had my suspicions since I was tracking symptoms on Aug11th -- some people just "know" they've conceived. Freaky!}. I was the 3rd test {all of which were positive, but my level of de-Nile was bigger than the river itself}. In fact, it was Eric that called me out on 2 previous tests and his observations regarding Porter's love for snuggling with me. Yup, it appears that our post-wedding love was strong enough to conceive a week after the "I Dos." No surprise since I'm from a line of fertile myrtles. We should have known better. But, God has a funny sense of timing and we are going to take this all in stride!
Our first ultrasound was on 9/11/13 - what a joy! Either our technician had the personality of a wet blanket or she wasn't having a good day. She didn't give us first timers a lot of feedback. Our bebe measured 6w3d {A surprise to us since we thought we were 8 1/2 weeks and due April 20}. A couple conversations with friends later... totally normal to ovulate late. Good news... Heart beat of 120!!
4 weeks since, everything is going fairly well. Eric is trying his best to keep up with the house since all I ever do is sleep. I finally got over the 24/7 nausea bug... which was enough to make a tough girl swim across Lake Michigan to her mommy! Ginger, lemons, tea,.. nothing was working long-term. Now, I've been graced with spontaneous and abrupt tossing of my cookies. But, a girl's got to just tough it out, wipe her face, and move on!
How Far Along: 10 weeks 5 days
Size of Baby: This week our baby is the size of a kumquat. What is that anyway? Ok, a prune.
Bending limbs, tiny fingernails, no more nubs... real fingers! Half the length of the body is the ginormous head!
Weight Gain: At the first appointment I was up 6lbs. What? I blame it on bloating and constipation. Weighed in this morning and I've only gained 1.5lbs. Whew!
Belly: Might take a pic this week for a baseline. Not looking preg yet but my pants aren't as comfy.
Sleep: Not falling asleep at my desk anymore {it never happened, but it was close!}. I am tired in the morning but I sluggishly get up. I miss a few weeks ago when I was suddenly a morning person.
Movement: I think I've felt a few flutters in the last week. Kind of like a little tickle. I blamed it on gas until a friend confirmed the feeling for me {Thanks Brooke}. Still, I could totally be wrong - but, let's face it... I basically felt it when I conceived. I think I'm on to something.
Symptoms: Oye! This is no cake-walk. Bloating, nausea, constipation, lethargy, allergies, vomiting... just to name a few. But I'd say the most specific to week 10 is the surprise vomits and VERY light sensitive head-aches. Yes, I watched 2 episodes of Grey's Anatomy with sunglasses on. Sacrifice!
Food Cravings: McIntosh Apples and garlic bread!
Gender: Sorry dears... we are planning to torture everyone {even my dear Eric} - C'mon life has so few surprises. I-phone's rule the world and we have answers to all our questions at our fingertips. Maybe for the next kiddling, but not this one!
What I Miss:
I miss cooking dinner. I have no energy to play Martha Stewart anymore. My home misses the smells. And, I MISS BACON! Dear baby Jesus, please turn my new-found disgust for bacon around!
What I'm Looking Forward to:
A new house! We are working on finding a more suitable abode for our growing family.
Milestones: I'm going to count "using a rubber-band to secure my pants" as a milestone. My tum-tum just does not like the extra pressure
Until next time, friends. Look for a pic soon {If I'm feeling motivated}. Otherwise, stay tuned :)
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