Thursday, October 24, 2013

I Couldn't Resist!! Baby Purchase #1

That moment when its snow/raining and all of the sudden you find yourself inside of Michaels on your way home from work.... It's like retail therapy on autopilot. Oops!

Yup, THAT just happened.

And, let me preface... This "happened" to me three TOO MANY times during wedding planning season. I would walk into Michaels with $20, do "the loop," and cash-out with $70 worth of useless items.

Today, I strategically brought in $9 hoping that my years of practicing self control would somehow come in handy. My mission today: Find a little chalkboard for weekly baby picture updates. Not hard, right?

I'm in. It looks like Christmas and Halloween are throwing a bad party. The smells are awesome! There is glitter, shimmer, and enticing items in every direction. I head for the $2 kids chalkboards {by now I'm a Michael's expert. I could help you find just about anything}. They don't have the one I'm looking for but I grab one anyway. I surf around a little bit. I cruise quickly through the clearance aisle when I remember that they have a wood section. ::Lightbulb!:: I have chalkboard paint at home! Sure enough, they have the shape I'm looking for. $3. Winning! {And, yes, I walked all the way back to the previous aisle to put the other item in its proper habitat}.

Then.... Out of curiosity I head toward scrapbooking {the beginning of what could be loop #2}. I would be nice to document all of the baby happenings in the form of a book, no? I dabble, unimpressed. THEN... THEN I see it! I must have it!!!! It's fate.....

It will go perfect with the woodland animals themed room I'm hoping to do. Critters, trees, mushrooms, nature - like a little hippie baby raised by mother nature and God himself!
Clearly my remaining $6 was not going to cover this, so I headed to the car for more cash. A $35 scrapbook 40% off. About $20, right? Here's the kicker! It rang up at $11... WINNING!!!
That's all :)
Hey all you snow haters! The sun is out now and its all melting away!! Smile with your teeth! 

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